
The Town of Sharon has received a proposal from Comcast to partner with it to wire the unserved homes in town that want to subscribe to Comcast internet. The cost to the town would be $1.6 million. Comcast commits in the proposal to getting the whole-town project finished within 6 months of securing the all necessary permits for utility pole licensing, underground conduit placement where existing utilities are buried, and other construction-related permits.

Meanwhile, Frontier presents ideas for fiber internet in Sharon. On Tuesday, November 1, 2022 Frontier executives talked to Sharon residents about the company’s internet plans and presented ideas on expanding those plans through a public-private partnership.

Please see the chart below to compare.


No more than $1.6 Million
Total Cost to Sharon

Homes Under-served

Real Estate
Increased property resale values

Emergency Safety
Able to contact emergency services

November 2022
Start Time

6 Months (after permits obtained)
Project Duration

Range in Price
Beginning at $29.99 per month

Shareholder Model
Comcast has an incentive to make money

Service Options
Internet, phone, cable TV, and more

Ongoing Maintenance Fees


(Town-owned Network)
$12.5 Million
Total Cost to Sharon

Homes Under-served

Real Estate
Increased property resale values

Emergency Safety
Able to contact emergency services

3-5 Years
Start Time

2-3 Years
Project duration

$89 Month
Estimated monthly subscription cost

Public Owned
Simplistically, the nework is owned by you

Service Options
Internet, phone, and streaming TV

Ongoing Maintenance Fees
$206,940 annually (covered by monthly subscription fee)

No Partnership

(Do Nothing)
Total Cost to Sharon

~800 Homes Upgraded to Frontier Fiber
~250 Homes Under-served

Real Estate
Diminshed property resale values

Emergency Safety
Unable to contact emergency services

Frontier Begins Partial Upgrade 2023
Start Time

Frontier Partial Upgrade ~1 Year
Project Duration


(Frontier Communications)
Starting at $3 Million+
Total Cost to Sharon

Homes Under-served

Real Estate
Increased property resale values

Emergency Safety
Able to contact emergency services

Start Time

Finish by 12/2023 (after permits obtained)
Project duration

Range in Price
Beginning at $49.99 per month

Shareholder Model
Frontier has an incentive to make money

Service Options
Internet, phone, and streaming TV

Ongoing Maintenance Fees